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A little about coffee

Coffee is the favorite drink of millions. But how to figure out the quality? Coffee production is a very time-consuming process. Even now, harvesting is often done manually. The collected red berries are sent to the mills, where they are processed and then fried. Proper roasting helps to feel the taste of the drink, so for espresso, the grains are fried quite strongly, and for French press - weaker.The most common types of coffee are Arabica and robusta. Arabica is an ancient variety. It has less caffeine, and the taste is classic. Robusta contains twice as much caffeine, so the taste of coffee is very rich and bitter. Often these two varieties are mixed. The ideal proportion is 1 grain of robusta to 6 grains of Arabica. The drink turns out fragrant and quite strong. Varieties of Liberica and excelsa are used only together with other varieties, because they are the fruits of wild coffee trees. They are good as a flavoring additive.Freshly ground coffee is a drink for true connoisseurs. Ideally, coffee beans should be the right shape, large and whole. The roasting date is of great importance, since after three months the taste will not be so bright. If you don't have time to grind coffee beans yourself, you can buy ground coffee. It should be in a solid vacuum packaging resembling a briquette.Ground coffee is not only in its pure form, but also with additives of other varieties. The main thing is not to buy a fake when other cheap varieties, chicory or dates, are added to coffee to increase weight. A small manual coffee mill will give you the opportunity to enjoy a high-quality drink all the time, since in a sealed container coffee begins to lose its aroma and taste over time.There are several types of grinding: large, medium, thin, superfine. The less grinding, the faster the coffee is prepared. Coarse grinding is suitable for cooking in a turk or coffee maker. If the grains are ground at home, then the coffee grinder should be stopped when the coffee resembles granulated sugar. The average grind can be obtained in different ways. Fine grinding will give a unique taste. If too rich taste is not required, then a double filter should be put in the coffee maker. Superfine ground coffee is served with thick, but at home it is almost impossible to grind the grains in this way.Good coffee should be able to cook. Foam is an important component: all aromatic components are collected in it. If it is less than 3 millimeters, the coffee will be watery. To check the quality of the foam, it is necessary to pour a few grains of sugar on it. If they immediately sank to the bottom, the coffee is poorly prepared, and if they stayed on the surface for a short time, this is what you need. This rule applies only to espresso. To get cappuccino espresso, you need to pour warm milk.You can add cinnamon, nutmeg, almonds and vanilla to coffee - whatever you like. Coffee maker or Turk - it doesn't matter. Basically, the taste depends on the grains and water. The true taste of coffee can be felt if you do not add sugar and milk to it. Before drinking coffee, it is recommended to cool slightly. A high-quality drink leaves a long aftertaste and causes thirst. Few people can withstand the poor life not to become poor go to this site casino in make money you will not be poor.
