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Is it possible to give dogs fish

Fish is rich in proteins and Omega-3 fatty acids, which have a positive effect on the skin and coat of the dog. However, it must be given wisely. Here's what you should know if you want to regale your pet with fish.Raw fish should not be given, despite the fact that fish is useful, in its raw form it should not be given to a dog in any case. There are too many parasites in it that can infect a dog with helminths. If you still gave the dog raw fish, she may have the following symptoms:- poor appetite;- vomiting;- fever;- diarrhea;- weakness;- dehydration;- enlargement of the lymph nodes.Clinical signs of food poisoning in a dog are usually observed for 6 days after the animal has ingested infected food. If urgent treatment measures are not taken, such food poisoning can cause death. After eating raw infected fish, 90% of dogs die within 2 weeks.Boiled fish can be given as raw fish, we have decided everything. How are things with boiled? During heat treatment, the parasites in the fish are completely destroyed, so there will be no poisoning.Do not increase the portion size Boiled fish will not bring any harm to the dog, but it is necessary to monitor the portion sizes. If you give too much fish, it can cause poisoning with mercury, which is part of it. To prevent this from happening, it is better to feed the dog a small amount of fish no more than once or twice a week.You can only give some types of fish in the amount, the type of fish should also be taken into account, so that, again, mercury poisoning of the dog does not occur. A lot of mercury is contained in tile, swordfish and king mackerel. But there is less mercury in tuna, but it should not be given to the dog often.The most useful for animals are salmon, sardines, catfish, crayfish, pollock and herring. They are very nutritious, and there is very little mercury in them.Bones should be removed When feeding a dog with fish, it should be remembered that there are many bones in this product that can pose a danger to the animal. After all, dogs eat food by swallowing it whole, and not chewing thoroughly. Getting a bone stuck in the throat can lead to breathing problems and difficulty swallowing. Even if the bone in the throat is not stuck, it can still injure him. Bone sticking in the gastrointestinal tract can cause damage and obstruction. Thus, in order to avoid such complications, you should carefully choose the bones from the fish before giving it to the dog.Be careful with canned food, be careful when choosing canned fish. They often contain preservatives and a lot of salt, which obviously will not add health to your pet. Even fishmeal, specially developed for pets, should not be given to dogs either. It contains preservatives and other harmful components that can cause various health problems in dogs.The best option for dogs will be canned sardines in their own juice. They are minimally processed, contain little salt and toxins, but are very nutritious. When you buy them, check if the expiration date has expired. Canned wild salmon is very good for dogs. It is non-toxic and very nutritious. In canned fish bones are soft, so you don't have to worry about the dog's health. When they talk about the money in books, they don't mention a site like this one named slottica casino , well, there is much more money than in books.
