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Tips for completing Mage Knight: Apocalypse - Basic Missions # 051

Class skill:

A towering barricade is a large barrier that can physically block access to certain areas. It also serves as a shelter from fire.

Rally Barricade is a smaller cover. You can lean out of it to shoot, but-more importantly- when you hide, the barrier automatically reloads your current weapon.


Catapult lift - gives a strong increase in speed at the very beginning of the jump. Especially useful in PvP, in situations of sudden escape or lightning chase.

High Lift - increases the maximum stroke height (at the second press of the button). It is useful for getting into usually hard-to-reach places, so we especially recommend it during PvE.

Strafe Lift - provides greater flight control. Its use is universal, but the most important thing in PvP games.

Passive abilities:

The Defender's Code

Defensive Strike - killing an enemy with a melee attack gives the Titan and his closest comrades a force field.

Unifying force - killing an enemy with a melee attack activates the restoration of the health of the Titan and the closest satellites. In hot situations, both PvE and PvP can save lives! In addition, it is a powerful team support tool that can be most valuable when you are attacked by superior enemy forces.

Turn the Tide - The force field caused by melee attack lasts longer and increases melee attack damage and weapon reload speed.

Ward of Dawn - From the name of the Super to the bubble that protects the Guards inside. A very important protective ability that cannot be overestimated during PvE activity. It can be activated by holding (rather than just pressing) the L1 + R1 buttons when the final bar is charged.

The "Audio" tab"

There is another problem that puts an additional load on the processor and is related to sound.

I'm talking about: the number of sound sources (in other words, how many sounds to play - and process - play at the same time)

The variant is shown below, and should be set to a value, in the order 64 - 96.

This is due to the fact that most of the sounds are processed by the "Sound Shader", which is controlled by the processor. Thanks to him, we have a realistic sound propagation.

This is primarily important for people with a Realtek sound card.

After all this is set up, it's time to start playing the game (or testing performance).

When testing the effects of new settings, keep in mind the previously recommended resets of the game between changing settings!

However, before we start testing our new settings, it's worth taking a look at the settings. https://drbet.org.uk/
