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Tablecloth and bedspread

Since ancient times, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers have been reverent about bed linen and kitchen textiles. These elements of everyday life created an atmosphere of cleanliness, warmth and comfort in the house. As in the past, so in our time, high-quality textiles, selected with taste, serves as an indicator of the prosperity of the family and characterizes the hostess only from the good side. With the birth of a girl in the family, the mother began to collect the dowry of the future bride. Among the dishes and cutlery, a special place was occupied by bed linen, tablecloths, kitchen towels and a bedspread. A hundred, two hundred years ago, girls prepared their own dowry under the guidance of their mother: they wove fabric, decorated hand-embroidered products and sewed underwear. To this day, items of clothing and household decorated with hand embroidery are especially appreciated.

For more than one century in a row, the most relevant gift for the newlyweds remains a set of kitchen towels, napkins and tablecloths or a set of bed linen and a bedspread. The main textile elements that complement the interior of any home are a tablecloth on the table and a bedspread on the sofa or in an armchair. These household items will not only please the eye every day, but will also be noticed by your guests, so you need to select these textiles very carefully.

Both the bedspread and tablecloths need to be selected in such a way that they fit other elements of the interior, and not only the color scheme is important. But also the texture of the product. When choosing a bedspread, keep in mind that the room in which there is a bed or sofa will seem larger if you choose a bedspread to match the color of the floor. If very little sunlight gets into the room, then you can create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort by covering the bed with a blanket of warm yellow and orange shades.

Elegant tablecloths always create a festive atmosphere in the house. It so happened that the grace, beauty and goodness of the tablecloth expressed respect for the food on the table and respect for the people who cooked it. Today, the modern textile market offers many styles and colors of tablecloths. The traditional material for the tablecloth is still linen or cotton. As for the color, classic white is an ideal option for a festive tablecloth. The size and style of the tablecloth is a matter of taste of the hostess of the house. According to the rules of table setting, it is considered that the table legs should be completely covered with a tablecloth cloth, and on the sides of the table the tablecloth should hang no more than 25 cm. https://cricket-cup.com/blog/cricket-trophy-price/
