School Nurse » Nurse's Corner: Immunization Sites

Nurse's Corner: Immunization Sites

Several sites are available in the city to get needed immunizations.

Ascension School-Based Health Center:
Call to Schedule Appointments

  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Senior High School
    3200 East Lafayette St., Detroit, MI (313)567-0534

  • Nolan Middle School 
  • 1150 E. Lantz (1-75/7 Mile), Detroit MI (313)-368-4139
  • Marcus Garvey Academy (Monday-Wed Appts)
  • 2301 Van Dyke (Van Dyke and Kercheval) Detroit, MI (313) 264-6497
Detroit Health Department:
100 Mack Ave near Woodward
Drive-up, stay in car, contact office at (313) 876-4667 upon arrival
Office hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 am – 3:00 pm
Immunization Waiver – Tuesday & Thursday by appointment only
No Walk-Ins. Call to Schedule Appointments
Children’s Hospital of Michigan Specialty Center:
3950 Beaubien Blvd., Detroit, MI (313) 832-8433
2nd Floor-RM 2007 (across from CHM main hospital)
Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays 9:30am-4pm
No Walk In, Same Day Appointments Available